Monday, November 2, 2009

This Is Halloween...

Now it's time for witchy-witches,
Flying 'cross the moon.
Sweep away the gobble-gobblins
With your worn-out broom.
Jack-o-lanterns in the window,
with their smiles so bright.
Owls wake up, and call "Yoo-hoo!"
It's Halloween tonight. BOO!!!

Mary and I were very excited for our first holiday together as a married couple... Halloween!! We decided to dress up as Remus Lupin, the werewolf, and Nymphadora Tonks, the punk witch, from Harry Potter. We found it fitting since they were newly weds. We had just finished the Harry Potter series and started on our costumes right away.

After work on Saturday, we started on the makeup, hair, etc., then headed over to Mary's family's house. We drove her sisters around as they looted the town of all it's candy. They made quite a haul! It was a lot of fun. We topped off the night with a scary movie... "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken."

We were sad to see Halloween go, but are excited for Thanksgiving. Gobble Gobble...


  1. Oh my gosh, how cute are you guys? That is such a great costume idea, and pretty original! I haven't heard of anyone else doing that. It's so good! You look awesome! Glad you had a fun Halloween!

  2. I LOVE the costumes! This was our first halloween together, too, but we weren't nearly as creative!

  3. Awesome idea! You guys look great - Paul, that doesn't even look like you. Glad to see some updates on the blog - keep it up! That way Isabelle can get to see/know her Uncle Paul and Aunt Mary :) I want to see pics of the cute new place!
