Monday, November 2, 2009

Our First House Project

When we moved into our new apartment, I was elated to hear that we would be allowed to paint! I love changing things around and think that a fresh coat of paint can re-make a room.

After lots of brainstorming together, Paul and I decided that the bathroom would look good in a light blue with chocolate brown to go with the blue fixtures. It already had some pretty beadboard and trim, but unfortunately the beadboard was a dismal grey.

I began scouting good bargains for "oops" paint, and came across a steal. I had stopped by Kwal paint just before they were closing and was thrilled to find out that their prices for oops paint had dropped (formerly $4 a gallon, down to a dollar). I snooped around the paint selection for a second before finding a light blue AND a chocolate brown in the right shades! I was sooooo excited. A new bathroom color for only 2 bucks. I hurried over to the counter to pay, but since he didn't want to hassle with a transaction for only two dollars, the clerk walked me out to the car with two free cans of paint.

Paul and I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning painting, but got it all done in one shot (we didn't start until after 10:00 p.m.). It took several coats to get the colors to look right, but we had fun. Paul took down the mirror, medicine cabinet, etc. and put them all back up again.

Let us know what you think!


  1. It looks great! Those colors really go together well. Do you have a shower or just a tub? I know Dani is a tub girl, but not having a shower would drive me nuts!

  2. It looks fabulous! And what a great deal! Nothing like a fresh coat of paint.
