Monday, June 24, 2013

Update, Hello AGAIN....

Oh, little blog, how I have missed you. Things have gotten C-R-A-Z-Y around here in the last, oh, six months or so and I can't believe I haven't found time for even a quick little post. I miss blogging. I miss writing really. It's good for me and I benefit in so many ways. So, without more adieu, an update:

1. The last post followed a miscarriage of my third pregnancy (I have one child) and was extremely upsetting for me. I accepted it and got pregnant two weeks (yes, that's right - two weeks) later but it was still a huge setback physically, emotionally, mentally. I was so excited for that baby and had invested two careful months into the pregnancy, hoping I could prevent another loss like the one before Hannah and the miscarriage came as a complete shock. No warnings. Just a sinister surprise that caught me one night as I was heading to bed. I learned a lot from it and am okay now. I am so happy to be preparing for another baby. I am content to be pregnant again. I am grateful to be adding a son (yes, a son!) to our family and to learn how to juggle two kids instead of just one. It will be exciting.

2. Around the time my blogging diminished, we were living with my family while building a home near them. Through a fateful change of plans, we detoured and purchased an already built home close by but in a different city. It was extremely disappointing at first and I'll admit that I cried a lot more over a house than I should have, but ultimately it was the best thing for our family. We are in a wonderful children-filled neighborhood and Hannah is in heaven. She loves it here. We have a similar house plan to what we intended to build and a much better layout on our lot (further back from the road, better yard, etc.) and even a few bonuses. I love the side-entry garage and the beautiful "street trees" that will be coming around October. I love that about this neighborhood - every street is lined with lovely trees that blossom

in the spring, fill the view with gorgeous green and cool shade in the summer and this fall will shed vibrant, beautiful autumn leaves. I always hoped for a neighborhood filled with trees. I am so lucky.

3.  Paul has a new job and has been working insane hours since we moved in. This has left me alone with Hannah a lot and often feeling like I'm doing this all myself. With a new house to settle into and a lot of exhaustion from the pregnancy, everything seems to be going very slowly but we are getting there little at a time. Paul is super helpful when he is home, hanging things, fixing things, organizing the garage, and so forth, but we also have to fit in family time, doctor visits, date nights (a rarity I am sad to admit) and every other crazy thing that comes up that it often takes up the time we set aside to work on moving. So, very little is hung on our walls, but we do have curtains and blinds thanks to my hubby and we are, like I said, getting there. Give us a few more months, hopefully before the baby comes...

Meanwhile, Hannah is my little helper and together, we'll get it all done.


  1. Wow! We had not heard a thing about baby #2! Congrats to you, Paul, and the big sister :) We are excited for you! I'm sorry you had to experience another miscarriage, but thankfully it didn't take long for you to be pregnant again. When is baby boy due? We miss you guys and hope everything is going well. So great to hear about what you have been doing :) Love, The Webers

  2. Yay!!! Congratulations on a boy!!! I had a girl then a boy and she is the best big sister ever. You'll love it and so will Hannah! Can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures when he's born. So excited for you!!
