Monday, July 25, 2011

Because I Have Been Given Much

I have been thinking a lot about the pioneers...I mean really thinking about them. How the sweat must have trickled down the faces of the women as they pulled homemade bread and meals from their piping hot ovens, their hair sticking to their necks as they scrubbed their laundry and washed down their floors; the men drenched in the heat of the afternoon pulling plows, coaxing horses and harvesting day, after day, after day.... It makes me tired just thinking about all that these wonderful men and women sacrificed to make our lives what they are today. And it makes me appreciate the little things - indoor plumbing, electricity, vacuums, washing machines, grocery stores, refrigeration...the list goes on and on. What a legacy these devoted pioneers left us not just from their hard work and this beautiful land, but also with the very example of their lives. I am a very spoiled modern housewife. I sleep in well past dawn each day, take naps when needed and pull an easy dinner from the cupboard or refrigerator when I am out of time or energy to make something myself. I skip out entirely sometimes to go spend time with my mother and sisters, not washing laundry by hand or sewing quilts, but crafting, scrapbooking or shopping. My life, though hard as it may seem at times is really, really easy and I am very blessed. "Where much is given, much is required" and I hope I am up to the challenge because I have been given SO much.

Happy Pioneer Day!!!


  1. Yes we live in opulence and we must never forget it! We can give so much more to our families now. We can spend more time on personal relationships and enjoy the small moments with our children. We can spend more time on finishing touches and embellishments in our home decor, family night lessons, church callings, even our little girls hair bows etc. Sadly many do not take advantage of our opulent life style and modern time savers to spend the extra time where it counts. Instead many put their focus on getting "more". Our times have other challenges and we are losing too many of our youth because our society lacks full time mothers who are dedicated to the cause and really care about their families welfare. So much of societies problems right now could be fixed if we valued full time mothers and homemakers so that more would be willing to take on that self sacrificing non glamorous no salary job.

  2. Mary, I saw a link to your blog on FB. Thank you so much for this post. I really need to appreciate my blessings more. And congrats on the baby! We have one on the way too-- due in December! - Sarah "Shenanigans"
