Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday Quick

A quick list of simple joys today:

  • Decorating the Christmas tree (phase III)
  • Hanging jingle bells from the front doorknob
  • Eating leftover raspberry pomegranate Jell-o from Thanksgiving
  • Hannah asking for Nerds for dinner (yes, the candy) even though it led to a major meltdown. I side-swiped that with "cereal stuck together" which is Life cereal
  • Changing a particularly messy diaper when Hannah said, "changing diapers is fun." It was her diaper
  • After she put her pants on by "Hannah's self" seeing a little white diapered bum sticking out the top of the back of her pants
  • And this funny video of my two-year-old during dinner: 
"I Like my White Shoes!" from Mary Shade on Vimeo.

Friday, November 29, 2013

untitled but late

Someday I will sleep. And it will mean less than I am hoping it will. Because when life falls into an easy rhythm of things-are-going-as-they-should, it's natural and almost difficult not to take things for granted. Which is why sleep will mean less to me when I am getting it than this trying time of getting less of it....

But while I will be getting plenty of sheep, uh,  sleep.... same thing...  I won't be getting toddler stories and newborn cuddles, late night texts from a working hubby, etc.  So tonight, though it's unprecedented maybe, I'm grateful for my current sleepless phase of life. Happy Beautiful Thanksgiving night. :)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Quick Craft

After taking down our Halloween decorations, I realized I lacked a November-ish wreath to adorn our abode and I don't do Christmasy until after Thanksgiving (except for music....) I am also broke, as usual (new's worth it) So I whipped this up in less than an hour for less than a dollar. Actually, it was free. :)

  • scraps of burlap and fabric leftover from other projects/donated
  • fabric scissors
  • wire hanger
  • needle nose pliers
  • embellishments (pine cones, ribbon, etc. optional- I didn't use any) 
Cost: $0.00
With help from my husband and a pair of pliers, I took apart the hanger and bent it into as nearly a perfect circle as possible twisting the ends of the hanger into the circle. It was very imperfect but doesn't matter. Then I cut strips of the burlap and cream flannel and tied them around the hanger alternating colors until I ran out of burlap. Then I filled in the gaps with more of the flannel. Then I done hung it on mah door. The end.

Happy November!


I feel the need to write. It's 1:30 a.m. and you say, "go to bed, Mary" but my thoughts will not go to bed. Night is when I come alive. My mind settles and my thoughts become clear. Clear enough to see the bottom of my pool of to-do lists, distractions, priorities, weaknesses, anxieties and all of the other things that clutter my mind during the buzz of daily living. I like quiet nighttime pondering. It shapes not only what I think, but who I am and what I am choosing to become.Writing helps me ponder.

Taken October 2013

We all have that opportunity, to choose what we want to become. And becoming is a process, not an achievement. It is a long journey. I can decide to become more patient, but never will I fully arrive at patience like we arrive at a destination. Even the most patient people on earth are still human. And humans fall short. Always. No one will get out of this life perfect. That will take longer than this life to achieve. So becoming, then, is more significant to me than achieving. Someone who is still in the process of becoming shows commitment. Willingness to try again. Refusal to quit. An accepting attitude. Humility. All of those things that allow us to recover from our mistakes. And we all make mistakes. What would this world be like if we didn't? If people could just reach all of their goals and nail it all of the time? I think it'd be awesome, but there would be nothing left to learn. And when we learn we grow. I am not done growing yet. We all have a lot to learn.

So, back to becoming, what am I going for? What is it I want to be? Hopefully, some beautiful arrangement of these attributes:

patience love wisdom kindness  
creativity joyfulness obedience passion holiness  
motherliness beauty gratitude humility

and a hundred others, this list is but a beginning.... I have such a long way to go. But since we all do, I am in good company. I am thankful to not have to make this journey alone. I could not handle learning all that I have to learn surrounded by constant perfection. It would frustrate me to the point of failure. I am bad enough comparing myself to others as it is. I know I would do worse if all of my examples and role models lacked weaknesses. If they were flawless versions of everything I aspire to be. I am thankful we have One example, Jesus Christ. He has shown us the way to live and I find comfort in the fact that He has been the ONLY perfect being on this earth. That places us all back on the same line. The mortality-weakness-imperfection-falling short-you name it-line. I like that line because that is where I am. And until I have outgrown it, that is where I will continue to be as I strive to become, as the Army puts it "all I can be."

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween Pictures

Quickly, as the hour is late, here are a couple photos of our "spooky" night (one of Hannah's newer words). Hope your Halloween was just as enjoyable!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween and New Beginnings

This blog has kind of just bumped along the surface of my to do list these past few years, a little touch here a few nudges there, nothing too serious and nowhere near consistent. I have made several attempts at recommitting myself to blogging more regularly, without any real success and I have lately realized the main reason. I haven't really seen a point. Sure, I like blogging. Writing, reading, posting pictures, etc. are great therapy for me, and I enjoy other blogs more than my own. Up until now, I haven't had a solid reason to blog and so a lot of the time spent here has felt selfish, wasted and again, pointless. I have changed my mind. This blog does has a purpose. It just needed some redirection. Introducing:

Simple Joys

Simply stated, the new focus of this blog occurred to me one day as I hummed "The Simple Joys of Maidenhood" from the musical Camelot (highly recommended) and realized what a profound statement those two words are. Simple Joy. What else could be more pure? I got to thinking how cute it would be if someone rewrote the lyrics to the simple joys of motherhood....anyone? Meanwhile, it provided the necessary catalyst for a new blog or in this case, a renewed blog. I wanted it to be more inclusive than the simple joys of motherhood however. I want it to include the simple joys of all aspects of our life, motherhood most definitely included. There is more joy than I thought possible in raising two littles and I am reveling in the glory of it. I just want the freedom to spout off on any topic, sharing any simple joys that come my way. So, for starters, Halloween.

This is Hannah's third Halloween and Michael's first. Hannah was born just three short days before Halloween so she obviously doesn't remember the first. She was barely a year old last year and Halloween came and went so fast, I wasn't sure she remembered it either. I hope she will remember this year. I hope it made some sort of impression. I will post pictures later (they were the cutest little beans ever tonight and I hate to have you all miss out) but here is a breakdown of our day:

  • Breakfast (nothing special or festive, but Hannah wanted leftover popcorn with her cereal, which I found cute and funny)
  • Stories
  • Playtime in the toy room where Hannah wanted me to practice my juggling again. It's ridiculous. I cannot juggle for the life of me. Hannah thinks it is hilarious. She even brings me her plastic play fruit and asks me to "juggle." Then she giggles her head off. I hope to really learn something from it.
  • A long, long nap for all of us, close to four hours for Hannah (she's been teething and not sleeping well at night)
  • Halloween costumes, including makeup which Hannah LOVES, Michael's trick-or-treating (me) and then off to walk-the-block as a festive foursome, daddy dressed up in his uniform (he had to work tonight) I can't wait to post pictures. 
  • Then finally, chili at Nana's and visiting with costumed cousins until late into the night when we finally loaded up the car to go home. We are all exhausted and happy. Hannah and Michael made my day. You couldn't have a better one than that. I dare you!
You may have noticed there was no lunch in the lineup. It's because there wasn't one. Hopefully Hannah filled up her belly on more than candy tonight. Because she loved it. "More some?" is how she asks for more and it is hard to say no. Even when I really really have to. Restraint and healthy food on the docket for tomorrow. Happy November!!!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

He's Here!


Michael Silver Shade
8 lbs 11 oz 
19.5 in

This boy has stolen our hearts. More to come later.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

You are Awesome

I just spent a few minutes reading an old post from one of my favorite blogs. I got to thinking about really awesome people in this world and how cool it would be if they all could get together in the same place at the same time! I wondered how that would really go (would some of them clash, despite their awesomeness?)

Then I suddenly I awesome? I think I am just normal and that's fine most of the time, but I felt excluded from my imaginary awesome party and bummed at falling short of such great people. Then I thought, who is awesome? I know that to God I am awesome. He delights in the being He created and the good I strive to create with my life. So who all is awesome? According to my calculations, everyone God has created. Why? Because we are infinitely special and more than enough just because He made us. We are children of a perfect being and therefore all have the potential of perfection. And what is perfection, but awesome to the nth power! That doesn't mean that we aren't awesome until we are perfected. It just means that we have such tremendous potential. We can become the most incredible version of ourselves ever imaginable. And that is pretty cool.

So, to return to my original thought, what if all of the awesome people in the world could get together in the same place at the same time? That's what we are doing right now. It's called earth life. Mortality. Our "test." You name it, but here we are all together in this vast world sharing and learning and growing. Do we clash sometimes? Unfortunately yes. And not everyone is aware of or tapping into their own awesomeness. Though our value is incalculably the same, not everyone chooses to live in accordance with such a divine nature and therefore we face a lot of ugliness-distress-crime-hate and so on. There is also a being who is anti-awesomeness who will do anything to destroy the children of God and make them miserable like he is. How sad that so many are deceived into thinking his way really is better, that they will go farther, achieve more and find more happiness by stumbling down his corrupt paths. It simply isn't true. And it's not necessarily easier either, though it is made to appear that way.

That doesn't make God's plan easy either. Life is hard sometimes, that's a given. But it wasn't meant to be Easy Street. Oh, how nice that would be...or so we think. We don't learn the fastest when things are a breeze. That's chill time and it's nice when it happens. No, when we learn the fastest is when there's a curve ball headed straight at us and we have to think on our feet. When all around us is falling apart and we realize it's up to us to find a better way. And when we do, we grow. We grow so much through adversity that when we really look at it for what it is, we can't live well without it. Live, yes. No one dies of having plenty of food, perfect health, all the comforts of life, perpetual happiness, etc. But no one grows having all of those things either. And truly, we weren't just sent to earth to live. We could experience that in two seconds. Live. Breathe. Die. Check. We came here to learn and to grow. And growing hurts so much sometimes. Growing, stretching, healing, the process can be so painful and then so rewarding in the end. There is no way I would give back a single thing I have learned through my trials and challenges. That is hard-earned knowledge, credits added to my degree in Life. And I have a lot more to learn.

The thing about life is that it's not a set curriculum. There is no credit limit or minimum. What might be a four-year degree for some is a seventy-five year degree for others. And none of us know from the beginning how long ours will take. We are in it for the journey as much as the end result. So, what to take from my endless rambling today? Live life and appreciate it! Grab it by the horns and conquer each obstacle. Running from adversity will get you nowhere. Run into the face of it and show it what you are made of. Because I happen to know...

you are awesome.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Update, Hello AGAIN....

Oh, little blog, how I have missed you. Things have gotten C-R-A-Z-Y around here in the last, oh, six months or so and I can't believe I haven't found time for even a quick little post. I miss blogging. I miss writing really. It's good for me and I benefit in so many ways. So, without more adieu, an update:

1. The last post followed a miscarriage of my third pregnancy (I have one child) and was extremely upsetting for me. I accepted it and got pregnant two weeks (yes, that's right - two weeks) later but it was still a huge setback physically, emotionally, mentally. I was so excited for that baby and had invested two careful months into the pregnancy, hoping I could prevent another loss like the one before Hannah and the miscarriage came as a complete shock. No warnings. Just a sinister surprise that caught me one night as I was heading to bed. I learned a lot from it and am okay now. I am so happy to be preparing for another baby. I am content to be pregnant again. I am grateful to be adding a son (yes, a son!) to our family and to learn how to juggle two kids instead of just one. It will be exciting.

2. Around the time my blogging diminished, we were living with my family while building a home near them. Through a fateful change of plans, we detoured and purchased an already built home close by but in a different city. It was extremely disappointing at first and I'll admit that I cried a lot more over a house than I should have, but ultimately it was the best thing for our family. We are in a wonderful children-filled neighborhood and Hannah is in heaven. She loves it here. We have a similar house plan to what we intended to build and a much better layout on our lot (further back from the road, better yard, etc.) and even a few bonuses. I love the side-entry garage and the beautiful "street trees" that will be coming around October. I love that about this neighborhood - every street is lined with lovely trees that blossom

in the spring, fill the view with gorgeous green and cool shade in the summer and this fall will shed vibrant, beautiful autumn leaves. I always hoped for a neighborhood filled with trees. I am so lucky.

3.  Paul has a new job and has been working insane hours since we moved in. This has left me alone with Hannah a lot and often feeling like I'm doing this all myself. With a new house to settle into and a lot of exhaustion from the pregnancy, everything seems to be going very slowly but we are getting there little at a time. Paul is super helpful when he is home, hanging things, fixing things, organizing the garage, and so forth, but we also have to fit in family time, doctor visits, date nights (a rarity I am sad to admit) and every other crazy thing that comes up that it often takes up the time we set aside to work on moving. So, very little is hung on our walls, but we do have curtains and blinds thanks to my hubby and we are, like I said, getting there. Give us a few more months, hopefully before the baby comes...

Meanwhile, Hannah is my little helper and together, we'll get it all done.