Thursday, February 25, 2010

200 days...

Paul and I have been married for two hundred days today (think of how many minutes that is!) and what a wonderful discovery that is! Marriage is our favorite institution and we are definitely satisfied customers. ;-) We are rapidly approaching our one year anniversary from the day we first laid eyes on each other, March 8, 2009. What an amazing year it has been!

Life has its many challenges and hardships, but we've grown so close together as we've faced them side by side and have learned that two truly are stronger than one. Thank God for love and marriage.

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS! 200 days, that is great. (You are amazing for keeping track of those things. I should do that!) You guys seem like such a great couple. I'm so happy for you that you found each other. Marriage is the best! ;)
