Thursday, February 27, 2014

thoughts on paper

Blogging is a cathartic activity for me. It helps to heal my wounds, settles the dust and reveals the subtle beauties in my life. I've come to realize that I'm a much more committed reader than writer, but seeing how rewarding writing can be, I am determined to improve this aspect of my life.

Now, as to what to write about...  I don't want to set a standard that will be limiting or unrealistic. That will discourage rather than encourage writing and I need encouragement right now. So my standard? Whatever feels good, for starters. Writing should feel good, at least, for the purpose I have here. So, here's to writing a lot about my feelings, reflections, observations and so forth!

Today's simple joys:

  • Giving in to buy bright yellow primroses at Walmart because this was the THIRD time they begged me to take them and I could no longer drown them out with excuses... 
  • Eating delicious salmon with my family (cooked perfectly with lots of lemon)
  • Sitting on the edge of the sandbox watching Hannah play
  • Hot sun through cool breezes in February 
  • Flying down the metal slide with Hannah when she wanted to go "both"
  • The way Michael and Hannah giggled together when she happened on something that made him laugh 
  • Michael's cuddly jamied body sleeping heavily on my chest 
  • pouring over pictures of delicious foods while studying principles of superfood nutrition 
  • the brief rainbow that flickered on the wall when I went to put Hannah down for her nap
  • funny phrases from my linguistic two-year-old 
  • A comfortable bed waiting for me when I finish this post.... 